Post #7 -- Feeling like Goldilocks and the 3 Bears

Post #7 -- Feeling like Goldilocks and the 3 Bears

#7 of Search For 10 Art Journey. This past week I have drawn the barn, silo, horse barn and considered sizes of the windmill and tractor based on reference photos. The reason you see 3 barns is because I initially draw my subject (building, animal, etc.) on its own piece of vellum paper which is very transparent. This makes it easy to move it around the board, or change its size so I don't have to re-draw it. For buildings or anything where perspective is important, I first draw it on vellum for my 12x18 board because it is easier for me to draw perspective lined up with the horizon line on that size. I then use my photocopier to increase or decrease my sizes of it.  See my photo -- my initial barn on the vellum paper (lower left) was for my 12x18 board. I then used my photocopier to make it double the size for my final 24x36 -- but it was too big, so I stayed at the photocopier; then it was too small; then, I found the size that was JUST RIGHT. I felt like Goldilocks.
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